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11 Most Successful Influencer Marketing Campaigns in Vietnam

AJ Marketing - 11 Most Successful Influencer Marketing Campaigns in Vietnam

In Vietnam, influencer marketing is hot and trending! Both local and international brands are ditching old-school hard-selling techniques and opting for more authentic and humanized campaigns by partnering with influencers. And boy, are they seeing success!

You might be wondering, "Are influencers really worth the hype?" Well, let's dive into the numbers. Social media usage in Vietnam is off the charts with a whopping 71% of the population actively engaging. Platforms like TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook are leading the pack. Social media marketing strategies are topping the charts, and it's no surprise that celebrities, influencers, beauty experts, and foodies have massive followings in Vietnam.

AJ Marketing - 11 Most Successful Influencer Marketing Campaigns in Vietnam - Types of social media accounts followed in Vietnam 2023

These stats prove that collaborating with content creators and leveraging the digital space is a surefire way to boost your exposure, conversions, and ROI.

But let's get real, how can you make influencer marketing work for YOUR brand in Vietnam? There's no one-size-fits-all approach to this game. It's all about finding the right fit for your goals, brand, and budget.

That's why we've curated the top influencer marketing campaigns in Vietnam. These brands have nailed it, and you can too! Keep reading, take notes, and get inspired to level up your own campaign.

Top 11 Influencer Marketing Campaigns in Vietnam ⬇️


Have you heard of the international beauty brand, Focallure? They're from Guangzhou, China and they've been killing it in Vietnam! How? By partnering with influencers on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok to create buzz around their latest collection, PINKFLASH.

Focallure sent their products to a group of Vietnamese beauty influencers to review and create stunning makeup looks. Their YouTube campaign was a huge hit, racking up a whopping 700,000 views with an impressive 8-10% engagement rate.

On Facebook, they worked with 20 micro-influencers to create multiple-photo posts and short videos, using the hashtags #FOCALLURE and #FOCALLUREVIEW. The posts generated 2,000 to 3,000 interactions each!

And let's not forget about Instagram and TikTok! The Focallure team understood that shorter content is key for these platforms, so they had influencers create unboxing videos, quick reviews, swatches, and before-after looks. And it worked like a charm! The campaign earned 70,000 to 300,000 views per video with likes ranging from 40%-62%.

Focallure is a great example of how collaborating with influencers can skyrocket brand awareness and sales. Don't be afraid to try it out for your own business!

2. VUS

AJ Marketing - 11 Most Successful Influencer Marketing Campaigns in Vietnam - VUS influencer marketing campaign with Hoang Thi Thanh Hang for Summer Program 2020

Let's talk about VUS, the leading English-learning centre in Vietnam! They're dominating the education industry with over 30 branches across the country. And they're not afraid to try new things, like influencer marketing!

For their Summer 2020 campaign, VUS teamed up with micro-influencers who are young mothers. These moms and their kids got to experience VUS' top-notch services and share their honest feedback on Facebook. And boy, did it work! The reviews were authentic and relatable, which helped VUS gain more followers and generate buzz.

In just four weeks, VUS gained over 150,000 new followers on Facebook and had a whopping 24,852 engagements with over 2,000 shares! This strategy shows that choosing the right influencer who resonates with your target audience is key to acing the influencer marketing game.

Don't be afraid to think outside the box and partner with micro-influencers who truly embody your brand's values and appeal to your target demographic. Who knows, it might just be the game-changer your business needs!

3. OMO

Have you heard of this marketing trend in Vietnam? It's all about rap! And OMO, a popular detergent brand, jumped on the bandwagon for their Lunar New Year 2021 campaign with a creative twist.

They teamed up with two famous Vietnamese rapper-influencers, Rhymastic and Suboi, for a Tet-style music production called “Congratulations for action - dirty brings good things.” The duo were the stars of the show, and their chemistry was electric!

The music video for the song, “Thousands of Wishes,” went viral with over 7 million views in a short period of time. People were pumped to see both rappers on the same stage, which had never been done before!

OMO's campaign was a huge success and a prime example of how brands can tap into the latest trends and get creative with their campaigns. Don't be afraid to step outside the box and collaborate with unexpected influencers or incorporate unique elements into your campaign. Who knows, it might just go viral!


AJ Marketing - 11 Most Successful Influencer Marketing Campaigns in Vietnam - 4 Watson Vietnam's Livestrem with influencers

When it comes to making the most out of online marketing during the pandemic, Watsons, one of the largest retail chains in Vietnam, knows how to bring their A-game! They did this by leveraging two key things: livestreams and influencers.

During their livestreams, influencers not only showcased products, but also shared valuable information, reviews, and swatches. To sweeten the deal, Watsons also offered mini-games, vouchers, and exclusive gifts that were only available during the livestreams.

These incentives, along with the relatable and engaging personalities of the livestream hosts, attracted even more viewers and purchasers for Watsons. The result? Increased interaction, demand for purchase, and a major boost in brand promotion.

Watsons' strategy is a prime example of how you can create an engaging online campaign by partnering with influencers and making the most out of livestreams. So, don't be afraid to get creative and think outside the box when it comes to your online marketing efforts!


Get ready to be blown away by Orion World Vietnam's influencer marketing strategy! In just one month, they gained a whopping 2.2 million followers. How did they do it, you ask?

They knew their target audience was teenagers, so they produced school-themed content that aired in July 2017. And to help promote their product lines, they teamed up with top Vietnamese influencers like DiDi, Linh Ngoc Dam, Yen Nhi, and Cuong Kido.

But that's not all! Orion and Creatory also went above and beyond by producing a series of short movies, including "School Assassin" and "Ocean Superhero," as well as a long series titled "Sister Dai! I Love You." These captivating films had viewers on the edge of their seats and helped Orion gain even more followers.

Orion World Vietnam's success is proof that working with influencers and producing high-quality content that resonates with your target audience can take your brand to new heights. So, don't be afraid to think outside the box and push the boundaries with your marketing strategy!

6. VIB

Have you noticed how music marketing has taken Vietnam by storm? It's a powerful tool that can deliver emotional messages that resonate with audiences. And VIB International Bank nailed it with their music video, “Trai Trai Trai Phai,” which skyrocketed to the top of the music charts and became the second most-viewed video on YouTube in no time.

The secret? VIB International Bank teamed up with two Vietnamese artists and mega-influencers, Hien Ho and Thieu Bao Tram. Their collaboration was nothing short of amazing and their music video left viewers in awe.

VIB International Bank's music marketing strategy shows that partnering with the right influencers and creating high-quality content can take your brand to the next level. So, don't be afraid to think outside the box and explore the power of music marketing for your own business!


AJ Marketing - 11 Most Successful Influencer Marketing Campaigns in Vietnam - 7 Ninja Van's influencer marketing campaign in Vietnam with Hoang Thanh Loan

Are you curious about Ninja Van's influencer marketing strategy? They decided to take a more personal approach by working with young influencers who would actually experience Shopee's delivery services for themselves.

After placing their orders and receiving their products, these influencers were asked to share their experience on their social media accounts. This hands-on approach was a great way to promote Ninja Van's new delivery services and change people's behavior towards intercity and delivery pick-up.

Ninja Van didn't need massive campaigns to get the word out. They partnered with Le Hong Lam and Nguyen Pham Khanh Van, and their strategy paid off big time! These two influencers helped Ninja Van achieve their goals and made a lasting impact on their target audience.

This goes to show that sometimes, small and personal is the way to go with influencer marketing. So, don't be afraid to try something new and partner with influencers who truly embody your brand's values and appeal to your target audience. Who knows, it could be the game-changer your business needs!


AJ Marketing - 11 Most Successful Influencer Marketing Campaigns in Vietnam - 8 Shopee Vietnam's 9.9 Big Sale Campaign with Park Hang Seo

Shopee Vietnam's 9.9 Campaign was a huge hit, thanks to their collaboration with Park Hang Seo, the leader of the Vietnam national football team and a well-known athlete influencer. By partnering with someone who has a massive following in Vietnam, Shopee was able to show how even football stars and their fans can experience the excitement of e-commerce.

Park Hang Seo's involvement in the campaign made it relatable and exciting for fans, just like watching a football game! Shopee's 9.9 sale became the talk of the town and created a shopping frenzy that was just as exhilarating as the thrill of a football match.

This collaboration is a great example of how influencer marketing can be used to convey emotions and excitement to your target audience.


AJ Marketing - 11 Most Successful Influencer Marketing Campaigns in Vietnam - 9 Vietnam National Football Team Members showing their POCA photo cards

Poca Lays' 2021 campaign was a real winner, thanks to their collaboration with Vietnam's national football players! Not only did they feature a photocard of the team members inside their packaging, but these football stars are also sports influencers with huge social media followings.

With football being such a big deal in Vietnam, fans couldn't resist the chance to get their hands on these photocard collectibles. This not only helped drive sales, but it also got the football players excited to share the products on their social media accounts and encourage their own fans to make a purchase.

Poca Lays' campaign is a great example of how leveraging the power of sports influencers and tapping into the passions of your target audience can take your marketing to the next level. So, don't be afraid to get creative and partner with influencers who truly embody your brand's values and appeal to your audience!


AJ Marketing - 11 Most Successful Influencer Marketing Campaigns in Vietnam - 10 SiuKay Noodles Challenge comic promotion

SiuKay noodles knows how to spice things up when it comes to promoting their products! They created a fun and interactive minigame called “Challenge of Courage” to showcase their spicy noodles. The game challenged people to try their noodles on camera and upload the video to a website where people could vote on the most entertaining videos.

To get the word out, SiuKay enlisted the help of macro and micro-influencers who posted about the event on their social media accounts. They also did livestreams to encourage people to join the competition and use the hashtags #SiuKay and #thachthucbanlinh. These efforts successfully spread awareness among young audiences and got everyone excited to participate in the challenge.

SiuKay's minigame campaign is a prime example of how you can make your product promotion fun and engaging by incorporating interactive elements and partnering with the right influencers.


AJ Marketing - 11 Most Successful Influencer Marketing Campaigns in Vietnam - 11 I SEOUL U campaign with Vietnam influencers

Vietnamese people have long been captivated by the allure of Seoul, but there was still room to increase travel from Vietnam to South Korea. That's where I SEOUL U stepped in with a brilliant influencer marketing strategy!

They teamed up with Vietnamese influencers and allowed them to experience all the beauty that Seoul has to offer. From exploring MyeongDong to visiting Gyeongbokgung Palace and other popular sightseeing spots, these influencers captured stunning travel photos and shared them on their social media accounts.

Thanks to their efforts, I SEOUL U managed to increase travel numbers from Vietnam to Seoul and inspire even more people to visit this beautiful city. This collaboration is a great example of how influencer marketing can be used to promote travel and showcase the unique experiences that a destination has to offer.

So, don't be afraid to team up with influencers and show off the best that your destination has to offer!


Influencer marketing has been, time and again, proven to be effective in increasing brand awareness and sales. Influencers have been the go-to partners of marketers and business-owners in Vietnam, knowing the value they offer. Content creators are great at delivering authentic brand messages and persuasive purchase decisions through soft-sell techniques.

Brands in Vietnam have tried and tested this strategy, and they were not disappointed. Brands were able to achieve their goals, target numbers, and qualitative improvements through influencer marketing.

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