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How to Market Your Game in Japan: Tips and Tactics

AJ Marketing - How to Market Your Game in Japan: Tips and Tactics

Gaming in Japan isn't just a pastime; it's a cultural phenomenon. From bustling streets lined with arcades to serene homes where consoles and PCs reign supreme, the love for interactive entertainment is deeply rooted in the heart of the nation. It's a place where age-old traditions meet modern innovation, and where pixels and gameplay mechanics become an integral part of daily life.

To put this passion into perspective, consider this: a staggering 72.1% of internet users in Japan are gamers. That's right, almost 3 out of every 4 individuals you might encounter online from this country are likely to be engrossed in some form of digital play, be it on a console, PC, or mobile device. Such numbers aren't just statistics; they paint a picture of a nation where gaming is as ubiquitous as sushi and sumo.

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For brands looking to make a mark in this gaming haven, understanding the nuances of the Japanese market is crucial. Fear not, for we're here to be your compass, pointing you in the right direction to ensure your game not only resonates but thrives in the Land of the Rising Sun. Read below to see tips and tactics on how to market your game in Japan!

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Tips to Market Your Game in Japan ⬇️

1. Crafting Narratives

The Art of Unique Storytelling

Japan's gaming industry has always stood out for its distinctive approach to storytelling. Renowned franchises such as Final Fantasy, Persona, and The Legend of Zelda have captivated gamers worldwide with their intricate plots and deeply fleshed-out characters. These narratives, rich in detail and emotion, have become a hallmark of Japanese game design, setting them apart on the global stage.

This commitment to originality in storytelling isn't just a trend but a deeply held belief among industry leaders. Yosuke Matsuda, the former head of Square Enix, once emphasized the importance of retaining the Japanese essence in game design, from visuals to soundscapes. He believed that this authenticity was a significant factor behind the global success of Japanese games. Echoing this sentiment, Hironobu Sakaguchi, the mastermind behind the Final Fantasy series, remarked at the Monaco Anime Game International Conferences 2023. He highlighted that his games' allure stemmed from cherishing his Japanese cultural roots rather than drawing inspiration from Western counterparts.

Such insights underscore the importance of preserving cultural uniqueness in game narratives. As the lines between East and West continue to blur in the global gaming community, Japan's commitment to its storytelling artistry ensures its games remain both memorable and universally cherished.

2. Beyond the Norm

Pioneering Gameplay Innovations

In the realm of video games, Japan has been a beacon of innovation, especially in the domain of gameplay mechanics. A significant driver behind this innovation has been the nation's prowess in developing cutting-edge gaming consoles. Take Nintendo, for instance. This gaming giant has always prioritized sheer enjoyment in its game development. Their knack for innovation is evident in the dual-screen magic of the Nintendo DS and the versatile hybrid nature of the Nintendo Switch. Being both a console manufacturer and a game developer, Nintendo has the unique advantage of tailoring its games to maximize the potential of its hardware.

Sony's stronghold in the console market has similarly paved the way for Japanese game studios to flourish. Square Enix's iconic Final Fantasy series is a testament to this. Often credited for popularizing Japanese role-playing games globally, its success can be attributed to the close-knit relationship Japanese game studios shared with local software and hardware developers. Hironobu Sakaguchi, the genius behind Final Fantasy, once remarked on the advantage of direct communication with giants like Nintendo or Sony. He candidly shared that this close collaboration was a reason Japanese games were perceived as more engaging during the early days.

This synergy between hardware and software, coupled with a rich infrastructure, has been a boon for Japanese game developers. Even as the gaming medium shifts and evolves, the foundation laid by these early collaborations continues to inspire innovation in the Japanese gaming sector.

3. Cultural Nuances

Embracing Localization Over Mere Translation

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When introducing a game to the Japanese market, it's not just about translating words; it's about capturing the essence of the culture. A mere translation can lead to unintended blunders, as seen in the infamous "Jill Sandwich" incident from the original Resident Evil game. Such missteps underscore the importance of meticulous localization.

Several factors make the Japanese language and culture distinct. Firstly, the language itself is intricate, boasting multiple writing systems like kanji, hiragana, katakana, and romaji. These systems, along with certain linguistic forms, are regularly updated by the Japanese Ministry of Education. Secondly, the language's rigidity is evident in its varying levels of politeness, influenced by factors like hierarchy and social status. Gender nuances also play a role, with specific tones designated for men and women. Furthermore, certain topics, symbols, and numbers carry specific connotations; for instance, the number four is associated with death.

When it comes to game content, Japan has its regulations. While outright bans on games are rare, censorship is prevalent. Explicit scenes, whether violent or suggestive, are typically omitted. This dedication to preserving cultural integrity in games is a testament to Japan's commitment to quality and authenticity. For game developers eyeing the Japanese market, understanding and respecting these nuances is not just recommended; it's essential.

To make this easier for new brands entering the market, partnering with local marketing agencies in Japan might be the “it” move!

4. Power Players

Harnessing the Might of Influencer Marketing

In the gaming arena, influencers have emerged as pivotal players, wielding a profound impact on audiences. Their reach extends far beyond mere gameplay videos or reviews; they shape perceptions, set trends, and drive engagement. When a gaming influencer shares their experiences or recommends a game, it's not just a casual mention. It's an endorsement that carries weight, resonating with their vast and dedicated follower base.

Gaming companies have recognized this potential, harnessing influencers to amplify brand awareness and foster genuine connections with their target audience. For instance, when an influencer dives deep into a game, exploring its nuances and sharing their genuine reactions, it creates a ripple effect. Their followers, eager to replicate that experience, are more likely to try out the game themselves. This authentic engagement is something traditional marketing strategies often struggle to achieve.

But it's not just about numbers or reach. It's about credibility. Gamers trust influencers because they see them as one of their own—a fellow enthusiast who understands the highs and lows of gaming. In a digital age where consumers are bombarded with endless advertisements, influencer marketing stands out, offering a genuine, relatable, and impactful way to connect with the gaming community. Brands looking to make a mark in this sector would do well to recognize and collaborate with these power players.

5. The Future Playground

Mobile Gaming Revolution

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In Japan, the allure of mobile gaming is undeniable. 2023 numbers revealed that a whopping 70 million of Japanese people are mobile gamers, and 65% of smartphone owners in Japan engage in mobile gaming on a daily basis!

This growth showcases the industry's resilience. Japan's advanced mobile data infrastructure, coupled with extensive commute times, offers the perfect setting for mobile gaming. With the advent of 5G, the possibilities expanded, paving the way for augmented and virtual reality games that demand low latency and rapid data transmission.


Japan's gaming industry stands as a testament to innovation, cultural reverence, and forward-thinking. From its deep-rooted storytelling traditions and gameplay mechanics to the embrace of influencer marketing and the mobile gaming revolution, the country consistently sets benchmarks for the global gaming community. As technology advances and cultural nuances intertwine with gaming narratives, Japan continues to shape the future of interactive entertainment, promising players both within its borders and globally an immersive and authentic experience.

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